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Zero waste: 10 simple tips

Written by

simon Beros

Published on

Monday 18 November 2024
BlogNon classifié(e)

Do you want to move towards a greener way of life, one that’s less focused on excessive consumption, and at the same time take some of the clutter out of your home? Then the zero waste approach is for you! Don’t know how? Read on for 10 simple tips to help you take your first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

1. Stop buying bottled water

Instead of buying a new bottle of water every time, consume water intelligently and responsibly. For example, you can drink water directly from the tap, water that you have boiled in advance, or from a fountain whenever possible.


2. Make your own products

To avoid waste, save money and recycle as many items as possible, you can make your own household products.

There’s nothing complicated about finding recipes. Just type “recipe” + the product you want + “homemade” into Google and you’re done.


3. Group purchases

To limit packaging and travel, think about grouping your purchases. Shop once or twice a week at most.


To make your zero-waste approach more effective, consider buying in bulk. Not only will you reduce the amount of packaging you use, but you’ll also save money….

4. Buying in bulk

To make your zero-waste approach more effective, consider buying in bulk. Not only will you reduce the amount of packaging you use, but you’ll also save money….


Drawing up a weekly menu

To help you do your shopping as little as possible and reduce waste, one of the best solutions is to draw up a weekly menu.

You’ll know exactly which ingredients you’ll need and in what quantities.

However, be sure to vary your menus from time to time.


6. Say no to surplus

If you want to make a successful transition to ZD living, it’s essential that you know how to say no to excess. To put it simply, you need to be able to know what items (clothes, furniture, etc.) you really need and stick to the bare essentials.


7. Give priority to recycling

Don’t throw away anything you can still use. On the contrary, give it to associations or people who may need it (clothes, household appliances, etc.).


8. Think about composting

Don’t throw away your organic waste – compost it! All you have to do is throw it in a bin in the corner of your house and let nature do its work.


9. Make compotes

To preserve your fruit more easily, turn it into compotes. Thanks to this trick, you’ll have seasonal fruit for much longer.

Be careful, however, to use airtight glass jars.


10. Adopt some chickens

Why chickens and not any other animal species? Quite simply because hens produce eggs, providing you with an abundance of food, while ridding you of an incalculable amount of organic waste.


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